Welcome to Elmira Heights Urban Renewal Agency
Loans Available for Elmira Heights Businesses!
Elmira Heights Urban Renewal Agency offers loans for Elmira Heights Large and Small Business Owners who tend to import dollars into the Village of Elmira Heights by selling goods and/or services and who have a physical business address with in the Village of Elmira Heights. Loans may be used for the following:
Business start up or expansion
Redevelopment of vacant facilities for productive use.
Business and job retention.
Acquisition and or improvement of land, building or plant equipment, including new construction or renovation.
Demolition and site preparation.
Modernization or rehabilitation of existing facilities.
Click the links below for more information!
EHURA Quick Links

Thurston Park playground in Elmira Heights, built
in 2016 through grants and economic
development funding.

The Village offices will be open by appointment only.
Applications for a Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program can be obtained at the Urban Renewal Agency Office located at 215 Elmwood Ave., Elmira Heights, NY 14903 Tuesdays & Thursdays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.(Ring the bell for service) You may download applications from the website or you can have an application mailed to you by calling the office and leaving your name, mailing address and phone number.
Our mission is to promote the sound growth and development of the Village of Elmira Heights through correcting blighted and deteriorated areas by clearing, re-planning, reconstructing, redeveloping, and rehabilitating in conjunction with public and private
improvement programs; and by the encouragement of participation in such programs by private enterprise.